ÍøÆØÃÅ Schools CTE Marketing Program of Study Icon

Marketing ¨C CTE Program of Study

  • Marketing ¨C CTE Program of Study (pdf)

    The Marketing program is designed to prepare students for employment in various sales, customer service, first-line supervisory positions, sports marketing, hospitality and tourism, small business ownership, advertising/promotion, public relations and/or postsecondary education related to the field of Professional Sales and Marketing. An integrated approach of teaching and learning is provided as students enhance their technical knowledge and skills that are associated with functions within Professional Sales and Marketing. In addition to the occupation-related skills, students completing this program will also develop advanced critical thinking, applied academics such as math and language arts, interpersonal relations, life management, business, economic, and leadership skills required for the 21st-century workplace. The program uses a delivery system made up of four integral parts: formal/technical instruction, experiential learning, supervised occupational experiences, and the Career and Technical Student Organization, DECA. 

    Marketing is offered at Desert Ridge HighGilbert High, and Highland High.

    Marketing Courses

    • BT140 Marketing Education
    • BT142 Advanced Marketing (Sports and Entertainment)
    • BT141 Marketing Lab (Spirit Store)
    • BT405 Advanced Marketing
    • BT406 Marketing Co-Op
    • CT358 Marketing Internship
    Comments (-1)

Student Testimonials



Degrees and Certifications:

Aspen Keller - Desert Ridge High

Do you have a favorite memory, lesson, or class project from Marketing?
Knowledge Matters Simulators because it puts us in a real-life visual situation to apply the information we've learned.
Why did you decide to take this course?
Because my parents are both entrepreneurs and my mom had a full-time scholarship for business, I have always been drawn to it.



Degrees and Certifications:

Grace Luu - Desert Ridge High

What CTE courses have you taken so far?

I have taken Marketing, Advanced Marketing, Marketing Lab, and Computer Programming I. 

Do you have a favorite memory, lesson, or class project from Marketing?

I think one of my memorable projects would be Market Day. Market Day was a large-scale project teaching us the ups and downs as entrepreneurs but overall helped us understand the overall process of advertising, financial literacy and more.

Do you believe what you've learned in this CTE course has prepared you for your future career?

I absolutely do. I value all the time I’ve spent and learnt with CTE courses. It has not only prepared me for my future career but helped me figure out what path I would like to pursue.

Last Modified on August 25, 2023