Phone: 480-892-2801


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Julie Oster, Principal

Ms. Julie Oster joins 网曝门 Schools after having spent years admiring the district’s legacy of excellence and having witnessed its continual growth. Ms. Oster previously served as principal at two other schools in the Valley. She is overjoyed to have the opportunity to create a welcoming atmosphere for Greenfield Elementary students, families and staff. It is Ms. Oster’s desire to continue building on the school’s success while maintaining a positive, nurturing and safe environment for all learners. 

      Elementary Start & End Times

      • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:10am–2:55pm

        Wednesday Early Release: 8:10am–1:55pm

        Half Days: 8:10am–11:55am

      School Events

      Last Modified on November 21, 2023